I spent much of the weekend at the recent Tall Ships Festival in Port Adelaide busking on McLaren Wharf. Saturday August 31 saw tens of thousands of people come to see the ships. On Sunday (September 1st) I did a couple of hours in my usual spot, under the lighthouse. During the morning the tall ships departed, a sight not to be repeated very often in Port Adelaide I guess.
Then just after the ships departed, I heard an amplified didgeridoo, and I realized Willydidj was over in the busker’s pitch. I had met Willy several weeks before but not heard him play until now. All I can say is WOW!
I’ve heard a fair bit of didj playing in my time, and I have to say that Willydidj performs to international standard. He has a CD out and it’s well worth buying if you like awesome original music. Check out his website thedidgeridoohunter.com.
Willy was also kind enough to use his performance to bring awareness to the plight of dolphins in Japan.